All that needs to be done is to make a duplicate of that slot thing for the PS3 flimsy board to plug into, and have that be the input to the viking chip, and have the output be a cord to the slot thing on the controller board. If you use a sixaxis conteroller (no rumble) then the chip can fit nicely in the leg of the controller. Also, although some newer dualshok 3 controllers don't have this connector, the first version dualshok controllers, and all sixaxis controllers do. I don't think that this would work on the newest controllers, because they have a different conector that isn't as easy to interfere with as this one. You'll just have to do the mods on any sixaxis controllers you can find on the net, and ones that people send in. If you can find the original version of the dualshok controllers, they have the right conectors too. Only problem is fiting in the chip, that might take a bit of playing. I know that you can fit a duplicate of the conector over top of the original connector, because I have seen it somewhere before, someone did a southpaw mod like that. Unfortunatly I can't find the picture.