Tested quite a few times via Custom Games, and once via Public Match, and I must say this is indeed an improvement from the last.
Though I noticed through several testing phases, that we have a few minor bugs which are the following:
-First Bug I noticed was, whenever you have a Combat Knife as a secondary instead of a normal weapon, it often switched over to the knife while you were shooting. Thus the problem here is that it would most likely get you killed in a Gun Fight, unless you somehow manager to Commando Lunge the person with the knife.
Though the probability of that lunge saving you is rather low.
I bypassed this by using the Three Round Burst Pistol, known as the B23R, though any Secondary "Weapon" might work as well, though I haven't tried them yet.
-Second Bug I noticed was, whenever you have no ammo left to reload with, but you still have a clip left within the gun ready to fire, the Shotgun becomes no longer automatic, and instead shoots one bullet at a time, like normal.
I bypassed this by using Scavenger, as it restocks lost ammunition, and so forth, though it's not entirely needed if you play Game Types such as Search and Destroy.
- Third Bug I noticed was, whenever you are sprinting, you must come to a near complete stop(Stop Sprinting) before shooting, otherwise if you hold RT while sorinting it would lag the gun up, shooting nothing, and causing you to stop where you are.
I bypassed this, by not sprinting(Stopped pressing down on LS) when near an enemy.
-Last Bug I noticed was, whenever you walk over something that says to press "X", it'll shoot don't get me wrong, but the fire rate is slightly reduced compared to normal.
I don't see anything in my opinion that can bypass this, though it's nothing major in my opinion, as I was still able to kill several enemies during this situation, while they were shooting at me first. xD
But in all honesty, you did a splendid job on bypassing the the gun gagging up when you walk over something that says to press "x", and I know you mainly wanted the feedback on the "X" problem, but I thought I add some extra feedback so people know ahead of time the minor bugs, and could test it out for themselves.
Now the only macro I'm craving for from you is the fix on your SWAT | MA81 Macro, which makes it fully automatic without the Hybrid.
By the way, I went 10-3 online in Search and Destroy with the Remington with the new macro, I could of had went higher, but was mainly focusing on the "X" problem, and trying it out in several situations.
Cheers to everyone.