Why you shouldn't buy Activision's "Stimulus Package"


New Member
mrcheesete0 said:
I have a bigger issue after reading the first two paragraphs of one of your links

it says the two fired guys hold the rights to any MW branded games?

That means no MW3?!?


lol :)

Good. I hope they win 10x's what they are owed in royalties...

And back to the topic. The boycott of the stimulus package. We are boycotting the price RAISE, not the actual price. We are boycotting the price raise because we are getting nothing in return. We are paying extra without getting anything extra. When the price of gas raises 3cents do you think people get pissed because they can't pay the extra 3cents? No, they get mad and drive less because they understand that if they do not take a stand "the man" could raise the price of gas to anything he wanted. Microsoft is a company and companies try to make as much money as they can. Thats what makes them a company and not a charity! What is it going to take before you join the small group of people who have already had enough: Would it take paying $20 for map packs? $30? What about paying for each map? How about buying the game for $60 with only 5 preloaded maps. Then paying an extra $25 to unlock online play and another $5 for every map you download? I'm sure some guy in a suit has already thrown that one around the table at microsoft. Will you start boycotting then? Seriously, it's more about snowball effect then $15 dollars. Open your eyes not your wallet!