how to use the 360 macro controller withe the ps3
ok i have both ps3 and xbox. i decided to buy a ps3 recently because its just better console than xbox in terms of how fast it is etc. i still use my xbox for some games . you have to buy a cronus usb device .there are two versions of the cronus the regular cronus and cronus x. the cronus x cost 100$ and the Cronus is 60 i have the regular one because i use my xbox360 macro controller on the ps3 yes it works perfect no lag time works just like a ps3 controller i can macro any mod i want for any game. the cronusx can d0 the same thing ,rapid fire ,macros ,etc but i dont recommend this one becsuse its more difficult to use than the macro controller,which i already know how to use.
also u can get the cronus and there is like some sort of jailbreak to change it into the cronus x without paying the extra money but you have to know some sort of coding c++. to know how to make mods. all so if you buy the regular cronus you can upgrade it to the cronus x for 39.95 . and u can use the cronus x mods on any controller u can remap buttons on both versions also. but i rather just use my macro controller because its easier hope i answer your question.
add my psn if you have both systems lol and my gamertag bkfinestmark718 for both.
im not here to say buy this im just telling you how i got my controller set up. i dont want the form guy saying im trying to say cronus is better than the macro because its not but they help each other out . im not trying to promote it just telling you the questions you guys are gonna ask.
ok when you get the device its like a usb plug it in the usb slot one on the ps3 and then plug in the xbox360 wireless adapter receiver into the usb. now the wireless receiver does not come with the cronus you will have to pay like 10, 15 dollars extra for it but i bought mines on ebay for cheap because its not an xbox brand one . once that is done i press the sync button on my macro controller and the sync button on the wireless receiver and wola u have an macro controller playing on the ps3 its arwsome thinking about posting videos