Gamermodz released a USB-Programmable controller!

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New Member
Hazer said:

Not much else needs to be said.

I never said you stole his code. What I said is that you delibarately set it up so that other companies will try to to by dropping all the right keywords to have other create thier own clones. In essence, its the same as if you read the companies unshredded documents and released them to the public so that every would-be mod-shop can get thier hands on the code themselves and undermine Viking, all while keeping your own hands 'clean'. Its dirtier than if you sold the clone chip yourself.

And for your information, I have to date not made a single penny off of rapidfire controllers.

As for screwing the customer, what do you charge for a single glitch? I swear, if your actions screws over these people, I will make sure rapidfire will no longer be marketable. I will opensource every damn thing you make, and then some. I will even sell chips at cost just to make sure I bury the very notion of making a profit off controller mods.

Odin, I will take no offense what-so-ever if you eradicate just my posts if you deem so.

The rest of you dont quite get the background message being said here. This guy is deliberately trying to sabotage the Viking chip. Most of his posts are blatant advertising. How many TacoBell posters do you see hanging on the walls of a McDonalds? I said from the begining he had the right to defend his product. After the one sentence where he did defend it, he has stated multiple times about more than three of his other products , including telling PS3 to wander on over to his site. Its completely unethical as the only reason is to steal customers from these very forums. I already know that most of the people here will stay loyal to Odin, but that still does not justify this guys actions.

So what you are saying is that I came here to steal customers? Um, read the topic, someone started this post and put a link to my site. Our products sell there self and I think that is proven by our reputation and the amount of business we do.

Wow, you wrote a rapid fire code, holy crap! You must be an incredible engineer and work for NASA or something! Get the F**K out of here, really, your claim to fame is an open source rapid fire code? You make me laugh.

Who are you Gore? Did you have part in inventing the internet too? What is with the "I will make sure rapidfire will no longer be marketable". You think you have control over the modding market? again you make me laugh!

You couldn't create what I can and do. You are too ignorant with your outrageous assumptions and accusations. Again, you make me laugh!


New Member
obo said:
Always check your junk mail. There are quite a few people that handle the emails, ticketing system, live chat, etc so we are very good at responding but we can't control if our responses end up in someones junk mail folder.

A good rule of thumb is to check your junk mail every couple days, you never know when something you are waiting on will arrive in there.

We supply Play N Trade (just like GameStops). So far only Florida and Virginia are completely setup. We put the other states on hold because of the new products and how things are going to change.

Also, I don't know how Viking is run but we have over 2500sqf of office space with 7 employee's.

When I started GamerModz I was working for a national home builder as the regional IT admin for their Florida division. A buddy that played Halo with me called me one day and we were talking about the new double shot glitch (halo 2 of course oh and on the first gen xbox, 360 wasn't out yet) that was just figured out and he said "Do you think you could make a controller that could do that for us?". I said "anything is possible". I built both of us one in a week or so and then found out there was a market for this.

I kept my job for about another year and then moved to doing this full time.
wow thats surprising. I didnt expect mod shops to get enough money to support SEVEN employees and an office building. Thats really surprising. You must get a couple hundred orders a week

I will respond with "We do good". Pssssssssssssssst, Hazar makes me laugh!


Sorry.. But am I the only one who know's who Hazer is?!

Hazer is a top guy, providing Open Source Code's to everyone to prevent them being ripped off..

He's been around for a while and has a few code's out there for everyone to enjoy...

GamerModz, I didn't have a problem with you at first, but you are a total dick now.. just gtfo.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Looks like I get the last word, as boss of the forums. I am going to lock this particular thread now as it sounds like everyone has said what they wanted to say. I'm not going to delete any posts. This was a hard decision, considering that in my opinion Gamermodz does indeed have a running advertisement in this thread. Having an honest and open forums is a key ingredient in our business model of keeping Viking as the premium controller on the market. I need customers, potential customers, and yes sometimes even the competition to be able to vent on these forums.

(I am going to go back and clean up some of the language in the gamermodz, posts in some of his messages directed at hazer. So just assume anything with stars in it *** was bad language.) For those of you who are curious, here's my stance on some of the various topics that have come up in this thread:

"GamerModz' Alpha USB controller is cheaper"

I completely disagree. is by far the more economic controller. As far as I can tell, all of the code now available for the GamerModz Alpha USB programmable controller is for rapidfire ONLY. Double check me here: ... oducts/68/ I don't see fast reload, active reloads, chainsaw battles, halo3 BXB, halo3 instant sticky, or any other glitches. Therefore, the Viking360 Tyr's Hand controllers is identical the GamerModz Alpha USB, at the same exact price for the hardware. And our software is free, vs. having to pay $25 per game for the GamerModz version. So at the end of the day, you actually get the controller with the same exact features for less money. One could even argue that, after purchasing a two GamerModz $24.95 software addons, that the Viking360 Thor's Hammer is cheaper - and Thor's Hammer is wired up for extra game glitches.

"GamerModz is the first to introduce Encryption and serialization, so that makes them better"

I couldn't disagree more. The main purpose of having a unique serial number assigned to the mod chips inside the Alpha USB programmable controller is to profit from selling code to customers. The serial numbers will prevent any two gamermodz customers from sharing software. This is contrary to Viking360 business model - our software is free, and any two customers who own the same controller can share the software at any time (this is going to be a HUGE feature on our upcoming Custom Preset Editor)

The encryption is a nice security benefit for the owner, but meaningless for the customer. I developed Viking360 with a 6-pack of beer one weekend in May 2009. I dropped encryption, because it would have been time-consuming (i.e. which is part of the reason why a four-month development time for the Alpha USB controller), and at the time, I had fully intended on making Viking360 an open-source project (thus eliminating the need for encryption). Unfortunately after learning more about how many people stole Hazer's code to make money, I never released the Viking source codes.

Viking does have other primitive failsafes installed in the protect boot block of its USB bootloader. Rest assured, anyone attempting to profit from our work will not only meet swift legal action but "black ops" as well.

"But GamerModz encryption and serialization are custom, so that makes them better"

How many ways can you make a wheel round? (answer: one) Encryption is nothing amazing - there are a dozen open source or cheap out-of-the-box encrypted USB bootloader packages for microcontrollers out there. Custom or over-the-shelf, they are functionally identical. Google "pic18 usb bootloader". It doesn't matter if the work is 'unique' or not, so long as it performs the function you need it to perform. Open the GamerModz windows flashing software, then open the Viking360 flashing software. You're not going to see a difference - even though they come from two entirely different sources.

"In about 2 - 3 months you will see a product from us that no one ever thought possible. Prototypes have been done since November 09, we are just waiting on production runs. This will be a big "Game Over" for every other mod company."

I hear this from a different mod shop every month. In fact, Viking360 can say the same thing. Our prototypes were done since October 2009 and we're in the queue for production. We've already started on the paired software for it as well.

"Also, I don't know how Viking is run but we have over 2500sqf of office space with 7 employee's."

We operate at 1800sqf with 5 employees. We are an LLC. But really, who cares?

Most of your statements like this are just to make a walking advertisement for GamerModz. I've spent some time on acidmods forums, and have always been careful to stay objective, and not to load up their threads with advertisement statements. I would appreciate if you could show the same restraint on these forums.

I wish that the discussion here could have been more of a technical comparison of the two products, and less of a marketing campaign for your new product release.

Does anyone know of a truly objective site who could purchase both controllers and do a side-by-side? I would love to put Viking products heads-up with any other controller out there from a reputable review site. Not one of these paid-reviewer bullshit, such as what evil does. I will send a free controller to any reputable, established review site.


Active Member
obo said:
who is hazer anyways?

I leave town for 2 days doing E a favor and come home to see I missed all this great action.... Well I have to leave something about this topic....

Hazer is a great person and is also a huge key person in the world of Modded controllers. He is like the Robin-Hood of modded controllers.... I have and always will give nothing but outstanding positive things to say about Hazer. I remember when I first meet E and he took me out for lunch and some drinks while we discussed E's mastermind plans he had, but I also remember we both spent like 40min's talking about the great work Hazer put forth towards the whole rapid-fire scene. I see how some of you wouldn't know who Hazer is, but anyone who has done a DIY or made money doing mod controllers would know who Hazer is.... The reason why old Gamermods doesn't like Hazer is because Hazer took the code to the public. Which GM's must have looked at it like money was being taken from his pocket because of this, like he was loosing future clients.... Hazer also spent so much time towards helping other people out too, FOR FREE... I am one of those people who he helped a lot. When he was helping me by, answerer questions and such, I was still a green-rookie... But because of his help and his great formal write-ups on how the rapid-fire controller works, it has helped me better understand the world of electronics. When I first started messing around with modded controller I was only in my 2nd quarter of college and was still learning the theory behind Electronics. His write-up that explains how his .asm works is awsome... I even use it as a reference sometimes in my digital electronics class at school.... Now I will admit I am one that took his open source and used it to make money with, but I was charging a fair price and all the money went towards college books, ELEC parts for school and gas money to drive to college too.... I just had to drop all of this because I saw some of our forum peeps start to get behind gamermodz and look at Hazer as the Bad Guy.... When its the other way around......
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