Search results

  1. Fredrow

    Need help with Rapid fire Hex editor. D:

    Another question too, is did you have a previous version of the hex editor loaded at one time? Because if I remember right; you had to uninstall the previous version of the hex.editor software before installing the new version of the hex.editor software..... I'm not 100% sure on that, but for...
  2. Fredrow

    Need help with Rapid fire Hex editor. D:

    You now what, you just might have a virus on your PC, or maybe you might have a corrupt RAM stick..... If you updated your netframwork to the 4-version then your problem may be with your PC.... Because from that img you loaded up it seems that the software crashed on you, which could be a...
  3. Fredrow

    How do u order the odis raven?

    Thanks a lot Jetz for giving my website a plug!!! Also I want to thank you for reminding me that I need to go back and finish up the work that I need to get done on my past works page!!! Its tough having ADHD because I always start projects but then I sometimes forget to finish them before...
  4. Fredrow

    How do u order the odis raven?

    Hey Sean, I'm actually working on a custom Odin's Raven right now I should have it done and up for sale in the next day or so here is a quick description of the controller! Clear see-through shell transparent green bumpers transparent yellow triggers transparent blue bottom trim XCM light up...
  5. Fredrow

    Connection Interruption >:-(

    Yeah I had this happen to me a couple times while playing Black-Ops!!!
  6. Fredrow

    Just Got My 360 Ragnarok

    Did you get stock thumbsticks or upgraded thumbsticks? I have a theory about your sprinting problem, the person that did the install on your controller might have put the thumbsticks in backwards.......
  7. Fredrow

    360 ragnarok chips

    **** dude, now you got me scratching my head!!! LOL...... He did say that hard-wiring the ABXY buttons to new tact switches that would be located on the bottom shell is super easy to do!! He said NOTHING about the Viking360 macro controller or installing the macro controller......
  8. Fredrow

    New Controllers? How many old controllers left? Macro, legacy, prices, what to buy?

    Oh WOW.... Thank you Lil' Blue Helper!!!! NOT..... Hahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahhahahahahhahahaaaahahahahahahhahahhahahhahhahahhahahahahahhahahaaaaaaaaaa.............(breathing).....aaahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahahhahahhahaaaaaaaaaaaaahhahahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahahha......OK...
  9. Fredrow

    PS3 Ragnarok DIY chip

    Was the wireless controller you bought just one of the plain black wireless Xbox360 controllers that only comes with AA+ batteries? Because if you bought one of the Special Edition controllers (MW3/Silver transforming D-pad/Play-n-charge combo packs/GOW3/Any controller with the new transforming...
  10. Fredrow

    Matrix 2 PCB???????????

    Do you have a Best-Buy near you? If so then go and buy the black wireless Xbox360 controller and it will be a Matrix-2.... As long as it is just the plain old stock wireless controllers and NOT the play-n-charge combo or any of the special edition style controllers then it will be a Matrix-2...
  11. Fredrow

    360 ragnarok chips

    E'; what Skullriot is talking about is exactly what I did on a couple controllers of my own (that maybe you saw before) on my controllers I removed the tact switches from the thumbsticks and then installed two push buttons on the bottom shell that were tied into the left/right thumbstick...
  12. Fredrow

    360 ragnarok chips

    You should contact me for this, because I will be offering a mail in service.....
  13. Fredrow

    Need instructions for sending controller in to be fixed.

    OMG...... You bought the controller back in June 2010..... Then reported problems with the controller back in November 2010.... And now you want it fixed for free!!!! hahaha... WOW..... That is one super long timeline!!!
  14. Fredrow

    360 ragnarok chips

    Did I read this right? Did you say that if there was a send-in service that it would be $20??
  15. Fredrow

    Anyone who thinks Viking is better than Voodoo and Evil?

    The only good thing Evil controllers has going for them is they're name..... And who is VooDoo... More PooPoo.......
  16. Fredrow

    Anyone looking for a Custom 'Raven' Controller....

    Well I hope no one was waiting to purchase this controller!!! Because the controller sold this afternoon...... SOLD.......
  17. Fredrow

    Helping with hit detection problems in MW3

    You know what, I'm calling a giant-phatty B>S on this whole thing.... I turned my theater recording mode off three days ago and have been playing the whole time with it turned off. I noticed no change at all in the game..... So after running my own test on this issue, I have to say that the...
  18. Fredrow

    Bug in the new dashboard or bug in MW3??? Can't power off controller!

    E' you're right on about that bug!!! I can confirm that there is an issue with the controllers not turning off.....