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  1. P

    do i need support ticket to send controller for repairs?

    I am quite sure they will honour your waranty anyways after you have posted here before your waranty ran out. Viking is a good company that way.
  2. P

    WTF XBOX 360 windows banned in germany ?

    The article is talking about how Motorola will not force Microsoft to stop selling them because an American court told them not to try and do that...
  3. P

    WTF XBOX 360 windows banned in germany ?

    I don't see where the American court has any say over what happens in Germany... Just another example of America thinking it owns the planet. This is teh thing I hate the most about America as a country, all teh meddling in other countries business.
  4. P

    MOAB with my MK14 plus ModdingBros Rapid fire.

    This si so much faster than mine ever goes... I have crappy internet I suppose, but I was pretty impressed with teh speeds I had until now. What speed do you claim is faster on the Ragnarok? I have a PS3 Ragnarok, probably be pretty simular I'd think...
  5. P


    I am sure there will be an attemt at something, but there can be no promises until the actual hardware is out. If we're lucky, they'll just use the same controllers as the 360. Everyone likes what they have now, why change it? The PS3 controller barely changed from the PS2 controller, and I...
  6. P

    shot guns and sub machine guns

    That's exactly right. In older COD games you can use jitter to cancel the animations, but they patched that in MW3.
  7. P

    New Mod Idea

    Yeah, I used that mode all the time in BO, it works well. Great for the G11, you can jitter spray people up close and use the scope to hit people at sniper ranges when you ADS.
  8. P

    shot guns and sub machine guns

    Rapidfire is little to no use on an SMG, but it works not bad on the striker in my experience. Is the SPAS 12 not pump action in this game? I thought it was semi in BO and hen pump again in MW3... if it is pump it would let you shoot as soon as the pump ends without letting off the trigger, but...
  9. P

    L86 lws lazorzz

    Wait, teh specialist streak gives you all teh weapon proficiencies? is that new or something? Haven't played for a while, but I use specialist 99% of the time adn didn't know that...
  10. P

    Thanks for the link man.

    Thanks for the link man.
  11. P

    MW3 - MK14 preferred rapidfire speed?

    The fire rate cap for the type 95 without rapid fire is 5 sps, so somewhere around there.
  12. P

    liked the black serpentine,,now it's gone

    Oh, really? I ddin't realise you had any serpent shells on the other models... Learn something new every day I guess lol.
  13. P

    Begging PIC development help.

    Could you link me too? I'm interested in Android developement too...
  14. P

    Can I buy just a chip

    With the rumors about a new consoles in the next year, I doubt he has time to get a wired controller to market and make any money from it... Unless he can addapt the chip he uses now with wired controller firmware.
  15. P

    liked the black serpentine,,now it's gone

    When they run out of macro controllers (the only one that was ever serpent, so I assume that's what you wanted...) there will be no more macro controllers ever. Viking will still sell the other models.
  16. P

    BF 3 & The Ragnarok Controller

    Try a sniper rifle with the ACOG. I haven't played since the update, but I was loving a semi sniper rifle with an ACOG before. Up close you can RF them, and from further you can tap it for a single shot.
  17. P

    Viking Controller in Red Dead redemption

    I have Red Dead, but I don't play it much... I found I beleive standard setting 2 to work quite well. The fire cap isn't that big, but there doesn't seem to be any kind of mod block if you break the cap, so just go big.
  18. P

    Any Small Chance

    Better keep it compatable with Windows 95 too, I hear that has a 0.02% market share still... lol in all seriousness though Win 8 hits this fall...
  19. P

    What are the odds - Crucial M4 SSD "5000 hour bug"...

    SSD's have really come down these days, litterally just instaling updates etc on the fresh instal on my new machine. My SSD is a 120 GB Patriot Pyro, it was only $115.
  20. P

    Ragnarok PS3 sencetive Knife.

    The older controllers actually had a slot with the daughter board plugged in, I really don't know why they would go to this new type...