Black Ops II Macro Upload - Jitter


Active Member
Please upload any Jitter mods if they are possible in Black Ops II. If not, the thread will be deleted.

Also include a description. Thank you.


ModdingBros Co-Leader
i got to play black ops 2 early the jitter for black ops 1 is the same
Matters what Macro your using though. If you use XYY Fast it doesn't work. But YY Fast/Medium work just fine. Haven't tried XXY Medium yet though.


ModdingBros Representative
Y wouldnt xxy fast jitter work.... Loll ... Dont make sense.... R u sureYes it shoots too fast.
most of these jitters are running at a multiplier speed of 5.0. I have even had to slow mine down to 3.20. This game will throw u a lot of curve balls. if u dont believe it try it for yourself
Im updating this old thread. this is my beta speed i used a a jumping off point. The speed i came up with "I feel" is as fast as i can get it to were every bullet does damage. The speed is 2.70 on the speed multiplier on my xyy jitter setup. on the top of page 2 is my jitter macro. I was going to wait for MJ23KB24 to post them all in one place were everyone could pull them up but i accidentally sent him my beta file which was my starting jumping off point for all the macros ive made so far for this title. When he get the time he will update the ModdingBros macro file so the right macros are there all in one spot to upload. Ok, now i have put all my macros in the proper sections that NYjets assigned for the community to post in. So now there should be no confusion on what macros i made work and dont work well. U can find them in the proper post.
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Active Member
I've seen brian as well as tons of other members suggest different jitter speeds... can you guys just upload some?

Simply press the "Go Advanced" bottom right when you post a new reply. Then you'll come to the advanced post screen. Look down to "Manage Attachments" and upload. Simple as that.

Please make sure to upload .vkm files. Thanks.


ModdingBros Representative
BO2 XYY Jitter

Deleated. Jitter is patched. Macro dosent work.


  • BO2 Jitter XYY.vkm
    544 bytes · Views: 168
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Thanks brian for your work. I'm using this macro and liking it a lot, here is a little highlight reel from an online match :)[video=youtube;OvS_ndO9o3U][/video]


ModdingBros Representative
2 more jitters for ya!

Deleated. Jitter is patched. Macro dosent work.


  • BO2 Jitter XYY medium.vkm
    544 bytes · Views: 86
  • BO2 Jitter XYY slow.vkm
    544 bytes · Views: 52
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ModdingBros Representative
The three round burst guns work good with my first jitter the only drawback is it turn it into a hip fire gun. U will have to add a on off tac and switch through the two. I think the rf with a three round burst is more effective. it shoots slower but more accurate. Also that second three round burst assault riffle shoots like it was jitterd when u put RF on it. its almost like they dident cap the speed on how fast u can get it to burst between trigger pulls.


ModdingBros Representative
Hey jameswoo i love your video man also i like the drop shot u were doing! I roll the long barrel attachment but after watching your video I'm thinking of making a lightweight stealth class like the one your rolling. I got some new jitter speeds too. I got a medium speed one that's good for all pump or semi-auto shotguns, mainly for the ksg shotgun and a slow speed for a more humanized jitter speed for the pump action shotgun. It comes in handy if there are like three enemy's clustered together. Your ammo isn't gone in half a second lol. It doesn't work good with the ksg and the second shotgun, well, rapid fire will shoot as fast as the slow jitter on that gun. Its made only for the pump action shotgun. dont get me wrong it still will beast the pump action shoots out but more of a controlled speed to optimise ammo use. I just want to state that the ksg is a hard shotgun to work with mainly cause it doesn't spray bullets it spits buck shots (steel balls). this makes it highly inaccurate to hit people with jitter. Also it kicks up hard so my suggestions is to aim low and let the jitter work its way up the enemy for better accuracy. the medium jitter works fine and every bullet does damage, it just a matter of a smaller target of trying to hit someone, even though one bullet will drop someone. If you aim high the gun is more likely to kick up and start to shoot over the enemy's head so aim for the feet and let the bullets ride up the enemy's body!
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