Hey guys, new here
I was looking into writing a snake macro for PC (BO1), but I see everyone here is xBox macroing(?).
Just want to ask some questions:
1. Is there any way I can open/edit vkm files? I use AutoHotKey to write my macros, so I would be able to get the timing from the vkm file.
2. Can anyone tell me the exact (in ms) timing for the snake macro? Mine is below, that's as close as I got.
Send {LCtrl Down}
Sleep, 245
Send {Space Down}
Sleep, 50
Send {Space Up}
Sleep, 34
Send {Space Down}
Sleep, 50
Send {Space Up}
Sleep, 50
Send {LCtrl Up}
Sleep, 30
;-- Exit the loop --
GetKeyState, state, q
if state = D
Also, I know on PC BO1 we have E and Q to lean left. I made a funny macro that toggles both slowly so you walk/strut. It looks hilarious. If anyone's interested, it's really easy to do, but I can upload it anyway! I also made a trickshot macro, where you press a key and you do a 360 and stop (very fast).