Jitter has been patched!!!


New Member
Awesome work, bonefisher. As you mentioned, the RT jitter works but is slow and doesn't shoot in spread. I also noticed that in public games, RT Jitter will occasionally make you reload if you're too close to your enemy. It does shoot 1 bullet, but after that you'll automatically reload.

Hopefully there's a fix pretty soon. :)
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Wanted to make sure anybody who was wondering what it looks like (but can't/haven't downloaded it) could see it in action : - )


OMG I am so giddy like a little boy. Do you guys know if it works for the KSG?!?! I already maxed out the First Pump. Thanks Einar once again I appreciate the hard work. Crazy thing is. I knew you were on to something because I saw you on Black Ops 2 which is rare and I said to myself Einar must be on to something that he is on playing so long.