Its weird how this macro just dosent work for some people. I can use these setups on all sensitivity levels with no problems everytime. As for hotcheeze u should post your RB macro where u cant get to stop looping. If you post it here I can look at it and tell u exactially whats wrong with it and how to fix it. When the time comes that u have the same issue u will know how to fix it by yourself without having to rely on others to custom make u a macro around your playstyle. Swaping a existing macro to work off a different button press is actually real easy. Once u learn the basics of how to assign different buttons to work with a specific macro u can change any macro to fit your playstyle. Theres really only three things that u need to know. Loop settings, right trigger sensitivity pulls, and how to re draw the new button u want to assign.
Interesting!? So is it the animation of the RB that screws up the macro or does the RB being held down act as a sprint cancler? Just curious. This has my curiousity running. I think I will try my hand at this. If anything it may inspire me to find out different button combinations that may be used for future game exploits.
One post above yours, there is a link to download the most current jitter that people have been using... its not the same as the original XYY or YY jitter but its better than nothing.... And if you use the original XYY jitter - Normal on the S12 or the Last shotgun M1216 I like it better then not using anything.I was wondering if they have patched the jitter for the shotguns. I have a macro controller and downloaded one of the Jitters. It doesn't seem to be working for me. I currently have a gold Remington and S12. The only thing I need for the KSG is the bloodthirsty medals to gold that gun out. I realize there is no macro for the last one. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I'm trying to get the diamond plating camo.