Apex Nugz BO2 macro file
Here are Apex Nugz BO2 macros. U will find some of the fastest rapid fires in here for BO2 and more rapid fires taylored around specific weapons in this game.
Also try out some of his bad *** tac rapid fire akimbo macros he made, also he made akimbos for specific weapons in BO2. Please check it out there are
some real good macros in here I know u will enjoy! All credit for these macros goes specifically to Apex Nugz. He was nice enough to share his macros with
me and let me put them in a media folder so everyone can use his macros! I will update these folders when new macros are presented to me so keep
checking our folders for future updates! Thanks.
Update: here is a new jitter from Apex Nugz. I got a chance to try it out and its wicked fast! U must try it out for yourself! Look for BO11 Ill jitter. This is a
RT jitter and its super fast and reliable. Check it out people.