This newest rapid-fire uses "feathering technology."
It feathers on the trigger, which breaks the cap as it simulates human-like pressing.
Therefore, this rapid-fire should be the fastest in the world.
Secondly, The potentiometer in each trigger on the Microsoft Xbox360 controller is different from one XBOX360 circuit board to another. Thus every rapid-fire controller is different.
So if you buy an evil controller, a voodoo controller, etc, they have it tuned to ONE speed. You can't change that speed. If your controller's potentiometer in the trigger does not like that rapid-fire speed, you will have a bad rapid-fire.
With the viking360 macro controller, you can set your own speeds! Thus, if the potentiometer is different, then that is fine, you just lower or increase the speed.
Anyone claiming that theirs is the fastest, is lying. Their controller's potentiometer may take their speed and shoot it fast. However, the moddingbros + NYJETS rapid-fire will still be the fastest if you bothered to use it and find the best speed on it.
I believe the only game that the potentiometer matters is black ops. So all rapid-fires that are tuned for ANY other game it won't matter.
Then you have to factor in lag, connection speed, etc etc!
There is why this rapid-fire is the fastest in the world. Anyone saying otherwise, lower the speed and it'll still be faster than any other.