
New Member
I have some new ideas for macros for black ops if they possibly can be made.

I would like rapid fast macro that makes all guns shoot faster for zombies like double tap.

A fast reload macro for all weapons and to actually work for zombie's mode please..plus with the new call of the dead map you can buy semtex grenades on it :)

Also a Turbo knife that works like jets new riot shield Turbo made for zombies .

Can someone please upload a jitter mod with auto aim macro by itself.

Last if possible a fast run macro :)

That's all I got. Any ideas on how this can be done if possible?



That's all I got.


New Member
xbox23007 said:
I would like rapid fast macro that makes all guns shoot faster for zombies like double tap.

You mean when you have doubletap you want it to fire faster?

That would be hell to test, making a crawler and just trying out new speeds, that would take a LONG time to do.


Active Member
WetterThanWater said:
xbox23007 said:
I would like rapid fast macro that makes all guns shoot faster for zombies like double tap.

You mean when you have doubletap you want it to fire faster?

That would be hell to test, making a crawler and just trying out new speeds, that would take a LONG time to do.

No, I think he just meant he wanted faster-rapid fires or fully-autos to somehow magically shoot faster.

I don't think double-tap affects semi-autos in COD:BO does it?


I doubt it... How would anyone know hough? Only way you can have a semi auto with double tap is if you happen to have one when you buy it in zombies.


Dear NYjetsNY1, can you help make this simple macro? Thanks!

I would like this macro to be created: LT+RT to RT
It would do this: when I assign this macro to RT and press RT, it would press LT+RT. For dual wield SMG, or when I want to aim down sight and fire full auto immediately
It would press these buttons: LT+RT


Active Member
jameswoo said:
Dear NYjetsNY1, can you help make this simple macro? Thanks!

I would like this macro to be created: LT+RT to RT
It would do this: when I assign this macro to RT and press RT, it would press LT+RT. For dual wield SMG, or when I want to aim down sight and fire full auto immediately
It would press these buttons: LT+RT

Finally someone followed the format and requested a simple macro that I can make without testing lol.

I probably made this macro a lot more complicated than it had to be, but oh well, it should work without problem.

Assign to RT and this macro will hold LT + RT. It should terminate on button release.

Remember to be on the newest firmware + software. http://viking360.com/download-software- ... back-moves


  • Assign To RT - Macro Holds LT + RT.vkm
    528 bytes · Views: 21


Sorry, something is wrong with the macro, LT is not released when I release the RT macro button, I keep aiming down sight :)


Thanks for posting the 2nd one. At first it is still weird as it stops my macro on LT from working, then I re-flash my controller with the latest firmware and load the macros again and they work fine now :)


Active Member
jameswoo said:
Thanks for posting the 2nd one. At first it is still weird as it stops my macro on LT from working, then I re-flash my controller with the latest firmware and load the macros again and they work fine now :)

Wooohoo! So everything is working to your liking?


New Member
Can someone please upload a working verson of fast reload. It still doesn't work right for when I
play zombies. Also fast gun switcher doesn't work when you have the rpk, hk21, and dual pistols. It lags and freezes.

Also did someone make a macro to assign to left thumbstick so all I have to do is push it in any direction and it will run without having to click in.




New Member
You can't assign a macro to an analog stick movement, just a click, but you can assign it so that it will keep holding the LS so it will always run whenever you move, and it will also hold your breath automatically, and you click it again to stop it. And I don't think fast reload works with zombies.

As well as, the Fast Swap never lags for me, it will just throw my semtex.


NYjetsNY1 said:
jameswoo said:
Thanks for posting the 2nd one. At first it is still weird as it stops my macro on LT from working, then I re-flash my controller with the latest firmware and load the macros again and they work fine now :)

Wooohoo! So everything is working to your liking?

Yes! I want to free up LT for macro to LT+rapid fire, this works great for second chance, Olympia shotgun etc. So for RT I use your macro to LT+RT, great for dual wield SMG like Skorpion :)


New Member
Thanks man. I'm not sure why fast reload and fast gun switcher have a few problems. Could you tell me the macro to use for fast reload on multiplayer.

Thanks .



New Member
having problems with the fast gun switcher it switches once but throws grenades half the time and without a grenade I can't switch back I might make tac for just switching weapon but, something is not working for me does it need SoH or anything to work?


Active Member
fathersin said:
having problems with the fast gun switcher it switches once but throws grenades half the time and without a grenade I can't switch back I might make tac for just switching weapon but, something is not working for me does it need SoH or anything to work?

It may have to do with your secondary / connection. I guess you should just stop using it.