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  1. Ben

    Make a Buy, sell trade forum please!

    Not worth the hassle.. This is going no-where - Locked.
  2. Ben


    Yeah get it from me if your in Europe if your out this way or Fredrow if your in the US or round there ;)
  3. Ben

    Top Shell

    Pretty much..
  4. Ben

    need some help

  5. Ben

    New mode for Halo Reach

    Completely new bit of hardware.
  6. Ben

    new xbox controller question

    Sounds like it would be less hassle..
  7. Ben

    Is there Ban Protection?

    I was going to say the same haa
  8. Ben

    Power problems?

    I have had a similar issue with one of my customers controllers. I couldn't find any way of fixing it so ended up replacing the controllers motherboard. Check the topic here; viewtopic.php?f=22&t=1585
  9. Ben

    Promblematic Controller

    Cheers everyone. I ended up just putting a new mobo in.
  10. Ben

    Promblematic Controller

    Any help is useful :D
  11. Ben

    Promblematic Controller

    Yeah it's not good for the power at all having the shell, viking and a different ROL. I think I may have to replace the board, I don't have any other options :/ Thanks anyways.
  12. Ben

    Promblematic Controller

    I have this controller here, it is a Custom Raven w/Blue ROL and a XCM LED Chrome Case with LED Thumbsticks. It has been working fine for the past couple of months but one day it decided to just stop working. Now all it does is when I go to turn it on, it will power up for 2 seconds (2 ROL...
  13. Ben

    Just got my viking in the mail

    Fredrow, you must have a different pink to me because mine are very pink! lol
  14. Ben

    Custom Viking360 Constroller from East Seattle Electronics

    They are the screw holes or clip holes for the Dpad.
  15. Ben

    banned again from XBL

    If you get banned 3 times the last time will be perma banned.
  16. Ben

    Quick (and probably fairly stupid and easy to fix) question

    Sorry I can't help you anymore atm, I'm using my phone ;)
  17. Ben

    Installation instructions for CG boards HELP!!!!!

    Glad to be of assistance :)
  18. Ben

    Installation instructions for CG boards HELP!!!!!

    They are the same, except on the duo/raven you don't wire the Sync Button up and instead you wire both tact switches..
  19. Ben

    Installation instructions for CG boards HELP!!!!!

    Well if you install all the points the same as the sleeper, except N, F, H. These diagrams may help; Wire the tact buttons like this; Let me know if you need some more help :)
  20. Ben

    NewFal Speed

    27.40 is awesome, tested that the other day! Thanks for the testing :P