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  1. K

    New Xbox 360 Announced!

    when is this thing coming to us. i want one and when is the whole project natal coming out
  2. K

    Resurgence Pack

    to jtag your xbox the kernel needs to be below 7371 so in console settings it will say a number like 2.0.8955.0. 8955 would not be jtaggable only 7371 and below. also if you want to buy a "jtaggable" xbox look around ebay, but for a jtagged xbox go to ioffer or se7ensins
  3. K


    nice im saving up for it :D . is it binded to the dpad? and does it have input and output on each button? i want one already
  4. K


    Hey guys I was just wondering. any idea when the valhalla modchip is coming out. i think it might be the first one i do by myself. lol
  5. K

    New Jitter Driver?

    most likely he got infected from a jtag lobby with burst cool down that makes there no pause in between bursts. this is only from infections from a jtag and can only be used until you shut off your xbox. you cannot have auto m16 without some downfall :roll:
  6. K

    One touch perfect quick scope

    Its not in the official release forum. it is in the beta test cave and you download it and it comes with all the stuff the editor comes with its just in a different spot heres the link viewtopic.php?f=36&t=1037&start=0
  7. K

    OMFG guys I am on top five plays of the week!!!

    yeah there are a couple different people that do it. i think machinama or whatever does it too
  8. K

    OMFG guys I am on top five plays of the week!!!

    freek clutch a beast! :D
  9. K


    This should be stickied so people stop asking it
  10. K

    Difference between jitter mod (x,y,y) and (y,y)

    You can aim fine with the jitter. It is just the jitter is always pressing yy very quickly so if you are aimed in, the sights will move around a lot. yy method is a more controlled method of jitter, but xyy is faster on mostguns. also xyy will not work on the last clip of your gun. as for...
  11. K

    Odins Raven Left Tac Switch

    have you tried reflashing the controller with a new driver? this may help
  12. K

    Bummer :/

    fredrow made me one a couple weeks ago :D it looks great, but xcm is s*** quality
  13. K

    New Maps

    15 dollars is kindof ridiculous, but you know what. everyone will buy them, so microsoft just made twice as much on both the map packs
  14. K

    New Sig Shizzle

    already told you, but i love the sig
  15. K

    Custom Viking360 Constroller from East Seattle Electronics

    yeah the bumpers on my xcm case suck. its like they are stuck or soft or something.
  16. K

    New Maps

    yeah it comes with strike and vacant from cod4 then it comes with 3 new maps carnival- mid size match with a couple open spots for fighting. its in a carnival or circus fuel- huge map with a couple buildings together. reminds me of pipeline. trailer park- very small map with trailers you can go...
  17. K

    installed usb cg

    thats nice i would have never thought to put the usb there
  18. K

    3.5 mm jack on tyr's hand

    hit up fredrow at east seattle electronics and im sure he can work something out for you.
  19. K

    xbox cooling

    yeah i dont have 250 for liquid cooling, but if i did it would happen.
  20. K

    I need help, w/ CG2 (n) XCM shell

    thats weird. did you test the xcm case on a stock controller with no viking? might have something to do with the chip and all the power the xcm/viking are taking