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  1. K

    Something funny about evil

    yeah i looked at the new case installation sheet and it is 3 wires, then the two led pcb's that go on the analog sticks have a connector to the pcb for the front of the controller
  2. K

    Got this in the mail

    haha its all good. did you install your viking chip yourself? Im looking to install one soon, i just wasnt comfortable enough when i first wanted a viking
  3. K

    Got this in the mail

    wow that sucks about the leds. i did that on my first try changing leds, and i realized you need your soldering iron real hot and alternate slowly on all 4 sides of the led
  4. K

    Something funny about evil

    im pretty sure its only three wires
  5. K

    Got this in the mail

    I dont know why but for some reason i love the black on white. but you should paint the dpad white. that would look nice
  6. K

    Something funny about evil

    you did one of the xcm cases for me, but the light up thumbsticks look sick
  7. K

    Something funny about evil

    haha and it still wont be as good as a custom viking from fredrow, and it will be around 4 times more expensive
  8. K

    quick scope help

    You have to download the new version of the preset editor, but i believe it is called "perfect quickscope" or something along those lines
  9. K

    can't figure it out

    I believe the data file is just the modes and stuff, but for the new modes i would just download the new version he has out. also im not really sure what you mean by setting up your own profile
  10. K

    Controller boards?

    oh sorry paul i thought you were talking about the matrix and cg
  11. K

    Controller boards?

    This is wrong. the chip is designed for the cg and all the features will work on a cg. the basic rapidfire will be on the matrix, but there will not be anything with the buttons because they work differently
  12. K

    Best place to install tact switches?!

    I honestly like the bottom of the controller. the buttons are not that large and they fit right where your fingers go. some people just dont like the feel of buttons. i think the buttons on top look more professional, but the bottom buttons work better imo
  13. K

    can't figure it out

    When you download the hex editor it should come with a couple things. The hex editor, config, thor data, raven data, and the hid bootloader. what i do is make a folder then use winrar to extract the files to the folder i just made. this will make all your things in one folder. after you have...
  14. K

    New Video Hey i was just looking around youtube and i saw the new video up. I personally love shows how everything works, and it show some actual online multiplayer footage.
  15. K

    instant riot shield kill

    yeh i do the throwing knife thing, but sometimes it doesnt work because they move or something right after you locked on with the riot shield
  16. K

    Custom painted sleeper

    one thing before you get an xcm controller case. just know that the bumpers dont work as well as stock xbox controllers.
  17. K

    Jump To Feature for Multiple Games

    yeah odingalt will probably see this idea. it seems like a great idea to me. just have like every game on your controller all you have to do is press a couple buttons. the only thing is i think this would take a whole lot of coding to make
  18. K

    Viking360 vs Silentmodz

    haha you east coast too paul? but yeah viking blows everything out of the water
  19. K

    limiter question

    when going through an airstrike or smoke, it gets really laggy and that may send your controller over the edge and mod block you
  20. K

    Can you get banned from Xbox live for using a mod?

    yeah i just tape over the camera. theres actually 2. one on the start button and one on the sync button