Need Rapid fire's Turbo knife and much more, read on please..


hey, im back into some cod (MW2 and black ops 1) I can not find anything in the library or the forums, nothing that I like or want anyway, brian your turbo knives for MW2 don't work :( im after the best unique rapids for black ops one, a turbo quick knife that works for both games, fast gun switcher for both games, a (yy slow jitter for right trigger and tac for both games) and an auto drop on the left trigger pull for both games, also can these be put here in my post to make it easy to "find" if any one has these macros or has the skill to make some of them please do and post them ;) I cant wait for feedback.. thanks guys :)) (abd yes I know this is in the wrong spot but I need it to be seen) sorry..


Well-Known Member
I am at work at the moment but can help you when I get home later! Have you went to ModdingBros media folder where all these you can find and try out? The post is right above this one! If you can't find what you need I'll help you out when I get home!


yes none of the turbo knives work :( and.. im on to something here, I just put mw2 Lt jiteer aim assist on the LT (with toggle on off mode as well) and it works as a beast rapid fire in black ops 1 can we use this and tweak it to get it faster with no skips, it seems that the rapid fires are patched now (they skip a lot,) but this jitter aim assist on the LT is working very nicely :))


Well-Known Member
If there skipping just turn the the multiplier down few notches til it stops skipping! That's great the aim assist is working for you and if you. need any tweaking let me know!


ok thank you, tweaking the rapids do nothing, they will just stop.. It would be good for you to have a look at the aim assist and see if you can give it a nice upgrade, (I would like it on the right trigger as well so I don't have to aim and shoot with LT straight away for long shots) thanks for the help too :))


Well-Known Member
You sure your using Semtex grenade on the turbo knives? I'm not sure if they patched that or not but I'll let you know when I get home!
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ok thanks, and yep I sure am, (turbo in black ops 1 works but doesn't reset properly eg FAILS TO RAPID KNIVE and in mw2 does not work at all)


Well-Known Member
You can put that macro on you RT and just take the trigger pull feathering off the dots on each end of the macro and there you have it! The RF !
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lol umm,, I cant do that :p.. also I use extended mags and really need more dots at the end of the macro, I don't know how to do this.. :( I made the post so maybe someone else can lol


Well-Known Member
This will still work on the RT! Try it out and let me know!


    544 bytes · Views: 8


ModdingBros Representative
I have a patch busted MW2 turbo knife that works online and the fastest jitters for MW2. There still available in the MW2 section of these forums. U may have to check in old threads posted say six months back. Its all confirmed and working. Connection can be a problem with these macros though. If its super choppy then the turbo knifes won't work right. Check them out and let me know bow they work for u!.


Well-Known Member
Here is some knives for you to try!


  • Super-TurboKnifeSpeed-LungeB-RS.vkm
    560 bytes · Views: 5
  • Turbo Knife MW3 Lunge.vkm
    576 bytes · Views: 2
  • TurboKnifeMW3V2.0NormalTAC.vkm
    560 bytes · Views: 3


Well-Known Member
Here is a whole set of RF's and other things you can what you want! I put them in a VKS set! had to rework the switcher because the regular one's didn't work...did not try MW2 because I couldn't find the CD! so give them a try! Works great in BO1! Few pages of them!


  • BO1.vks
    42.9 KB · Views: 5


Hey guys, I live in aus, so I'm at work atm, but when I get home ill have a look at them macros. I forgot to mention I'm a tactical user. I love the FAL in black ops 1 and that's what I'm trying to get set up nice that's super quick with hardly any skips, I'm always host as well. But with my macro set atm I'm rocking the g11 no problem. I put my rapid fire on the right bumper with a toggle on off for it..


Well-Known Member
On that set I sent which it is default user on the knives which they work in BO1 but might need improving but did not know you wanted tactical setup! So when I get off of work I'll make you one! Have many RF's for you to try and jitter setup for you on there! Let me know if that switcher is working for you because none of the old ones worked for some reason! Maybe they did some patching since I've played!


Well-Known Member
Gamergirl you did not download the fast RF's for the FAL! LOL! There in the BO1 vks file! Tested online today and they are ripping! Do you how to save the macro vkm off of the pages?
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