Black Ops II Macro Upload - Rapid-Fire


ModdingBros Representative
New FAL & SMR RFs for ya.

Here are some new RFs i've been messing around with and i thought some of u might like them so here they are for u to try out. Sorry about the tactical SMR dropshot+aim RF. I did not have enough memory to post it in here but i have all of these updated in my ModdingBros file so u can also check them out there!

posted 03/12/13; I havent really used these RF I dont know if there up to par with the good RF for BO2 so I wouldent advise running these unless u like them.


  • FAL project RF.vkm
    544 bytes · Views: 33
  • SMR project RF.vkm
    544 bytes · Views: 44
  • Fal RF+aim+drop[default].vkm
    560 bytes · Views: 16
  • Fal RF+aim+drop[tactical].vkm
    560 bytes · Views: 14
  • SMR RF+aim+drop[default].vkm
    560 bytes · Views: 19
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ModdingBros Representative
Here is two for the Tac or RT. There super fast!


  • BO2 akimbo fire RT.vkm
    560 bytes · Views: 41
  • BO2 akimbo fire Tac.vkm
    560 bytes · Views: 34
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New Member
hey brian i got a question. is it possible to put a akimbo fire macro on the left trigger and a regular rapid fire macro in the right trigger? i was planning on using the front tac switches as toggles as it's awkward for me to use as anything else other than auto sprint. or should i just use a jitter macro on the lt with a toggle switch? thanks for the answer.

as for the recent update to the akimbo macro, hell yeah they shoot faster! but no offense though, i like the first one you made better as it works for every semi auto pistol and rifle cause it's pretty consistent.
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New Member
i figured out what to do... i just used the akimbo fire tac you just made and put in on the lt, and the regular smr rf on the rt with toggle switches and they work great. thanks for your help man


ModdingBros Representative
If u like the speed of the first one and want to use it on the LT then just copy on the 3 RF dots theu same sensitity on the trigger pulls as the tac jitter your now using. I also added 2my new RF speeds for the fal and smr in my library folder. U should check those out as well!.


Does anyone have a RF for the CHICOM that shoot at or close to the 1080 RPM?
because the RF for the FAL is at the 500RPM range.?
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ModdingBros Representative
Here is a new FAL & 2 akimbo mods for u. If for some reason the FAL RF skips on u dial it down by one to .24 on the speed multiplier. The akimbos are really fast to but if u start to get mod blocked just dial the speed multiplier down by .01 at a time

Posted 03/12/13; havent used these macros in a long time I dont think they are up to par with the other updated macros for BO2. I would advise not using them unless u like them.


  • Akimbo semi-auto RF LT.vkm
    544 bytes · Views: 28
  • Akimbo semi-auto RF Tac.vkm
    544 bytes · Views: 20
  • FAL auto fire.vkm
    528 bytes · Views: 80
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New Member
the "fastest rapid fire" macro seems much faster, than the akimbo rapidfire. could you do an uber-fast akimbo rapidfire?:) maybe with a slight delay for one of the pistols?


ModdingBros Representative
I made a tac RF for a member named iphone where she gave me a macro to work off of. It was a old MW2 macro but it was the fastest five-seven macro ive seen out. It dosent work good for any other weapon but let me know if u waqnt it made and ill make u a real fast akimbo taylored around the five-seven pistol blokq. Also if your looking for a slower all around stable akimbo i have one that works real nice. It still fires pretty quick and its a good universal akimbo and its highly accurate. Everytime the ammo will finsh on bolth sides at the same time. A lot of the akimbos out can fire insane fast but the timming is slightlyoff from the RT to the LT. Basically the gun in the right hand will run out before the gun in the left hand. Given there really only millaseconds off but if u were to continually hold the akimbo down after about two reloads the timming between the two will be way off. It really comes down to personal opinion in the end. There arw a lot of good macros out there so its up to u to find which ones work best for u. Still let me know if you want that five-seven akimbo i was talkin about. Its really fast!


I haven't seen anything faster than Apex Nugz.

So.. i compared Apex RF and Brians RF.. the only difference is that Brians starts out slow for the first 2-3 bullets and then goes full speed. where Apex starts at full speed.. that's the only diff i saw.


Well-Known Member
That's funny! Because Apex's doesn't even work for me! No offense Apex! Brian's is good, but I haven't seen one faster than my new one! I'll send out when I finish tweaking! It's all about connection I guess !