Black Ops II Macro Upload - Rapid-Fire


ModdingBros Representative
don't quote me on this but i heard somewhere that the recoil is worse with the select fire when u make the Fal full auto. I personally don't know cause i haven't tested it. Also if u use RF that just frees up a extra perk that u do not have to waist! My opinion would be to go with the communities RF for the fal. As far as using select fire to make it rapid fire and using rapid-fire on top of that to try to reduce recoil i think that wouldn't work well. The Fal has so little recoil as is so i would go RF with it. However u can test fully auto weapons that have heavy kick and try different rapid fires to see if it reduces the recoil to a tolerable level.
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Rapid Fire SMR

Does anyone know why the SMR shoots so differently on rapid fire then the FAL? The SMR on rapid fire shoots much slower then the FAL and I've tried just about all the rapid fires.


ModdingBros Representative
I guess the simple answer is thats just the way the programmers made that weapon fire. That gun also has pretty heavy kick to it as well. I guess the bullet damage makes

up for the slower rate of fire. I cant make the gun shoot faster than the mod block on the game and for that weapon well its not near as fast as the Fal. I've been using

the SMR laity and its not a bad gun but i know what u are sayin about the slower rate of fire. Im thinkin this gun might be best as a three round burst weapon. I wonder if

the select fire has that option on semi-autos and if it does i wonder if jitter might make it fire like a beast. Ill have to go to local mode and see if this is possible. If it is I

might be on to something!!!

Update: U can not do 3 round burst on select fire on semi-autos : (
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ModdingBros Representative
New Fal rapid fire

I was wondering if anyone has tested My rapid fire called new Fal RF and if u have can u please tell me what u like or dont like about this RF thanks!
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I've been using your rpid fire for the FAL and there is a difference then the others I've tried. it's also sick with the Chicom


Hi brian, is it possible to make a rapid fire (for FAL, pistols etc.) for the LT that will rapid fire and aim at the same time? Last time in Black Ops 1 I use a "LT Aim Assist" macro on LT and I can hold LT to aim and rapid-fire while I can assign jitter on RT.


Would it make a difference in the rate of fire for the SMR if it was 3 or 5 round burst? I'm pronbably sure you may have tried but just wondering. I'm going to try out your FAL rapid fire and get back to you.


ModdingBros Representative
I can make a burst fire macro for u for those 2 guns if u want me to. just let me know ok. might help with the kick on the SMR. I know u dont get that option with the select fire on semi-autos soit would be a beneficial Rf to make. In fact i think ill take a crack at it.


ModdingBros Representative
wa**** is right u dont have to worry about the recoil on the fal. The SMR has a bit of kick to it but u can compensate it by barely holding down as u fire it. Im not going to make anti recoil macros cause they are just too unreliable to work with. lag sensitivity levels all olay a part in anti recoils and its just not consistent. Dont know why its blocking his name but it is?


For some reason, when you use any rapid fire macro in a private match it doesn't work right. It even stops completely when there is 5 bullets left in the clip. But it works in public matches.


ModdingBros Representative
Please state the file names of the rapid fires that are choppy please so we can test them out and fix the bugs. Its good that people are giving us feedback after the new patch but please be specific to what isn't working by stating the file name of the macro!